Friday, October 18, 2013

What I do when I'm suppose to be writing a paper

So, as I'm writing this I should be writing a paper but I'm not. I am the worst for procrastination. I always leave things to the last minute. 

Like last night I was up until 3 working on this paper and I'm still not done. I have tried working on things throughout a period of time so I don't have to do it at the last minute but it always ends up that I do it at the last minute and I'm staying up late and writing a paper.

Don't get me wrong I'm sure some people can manage their time and write a paper that's super good without having to stay up late. Like I said before I've tried that. I know it's not the greatest excuse but I feel like I work better when I'm under pressure. That is probably the worst thing you can say and I've had profs tell us that that is totally not true and you need to manage your time so you don't have the pressure.

Well this has gone on way to long so I should probably get back to writing my paper.

Do you ever procrastinate on writing papers?

-Swell (very stressed) Mel :)

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