Sunday, September 15, 2013

Being organized in the morning

So I discovered this system two years ago at the start of second term so I could look really presentable during school and so I wasn't changing twenty times in the morning.

So what I do is the Saturday or Sunday before the week starts I write on paper what I'm going to wear that day and then tape it on a hanger with all the clothes on it.

So the outfit that I will be wearing the next day I have a hanger on the back of my door so I place it there.

On a post-it note I write what my hair and make-up are going to be so I'm not sitting looking in the mirror for five minutes trying to figure out what my make-up and hair is going to look like. I also have a list of things that I might have to pack, take or just do in the morning so I don't run out of the house forgetting to do something. (Which I'm sure we have all done before)

Hopefully this is helpful for you to be organized in the morning.

                                                How are you organized in the morning?

-Swell Mel :)

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