Sunday, September 15, 2013

Managing your time for school

Over the past few years I have had a few methods that have not been so successful. So this year I thought that since I love lists I would build that into my time management. So I have always had a planner/ agenda and that has been a must have for me, I feel lost without it.

This year one of the new things that has seemed to work so far. I have a notebook that I make a list of the things that I have to do and when they are due by so I can prioritize and I also have it sorted by class so it's very organized.

When I have completed what I need to do I will highlight it so I know what is finished and it also feels super rewarding to cross things off a list and look at it when it's done with everything crossed off.

Back to my agenda, every year I usually just buy one that is a week at a time so you can see your week at a glance. But this year I thought it through and for me I can't really see how much time I have and if I look at a day and I have a million things to do I get really stressed. So this this year I bought an agenda a day at a time so it has time slots and you can put everything in and at the beginning of the month you have a calendar which I really like because then I can still see the month but I can go into detail for the days. Also I think the best part of this agenda is that once the day is over you can tear the bottom corner off so it's really quick to get to the days!

What works for you to manage your time?

-Swell Mel :)

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