Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What happened? Did you fall into the toilet?


It's so crazy I haven't posted anything in two months! That is absolutely crazy! 

Now what have I been up too?

Well March and the first part of April school was coming to the end and with final papers and projects plus having to study and having exams I had no down time what so ever.

Right before my last exam

At the end of April I went to BC for a weekend which was absolutely amazing and just beautiful.

                                                                                                        View from the plane over BC


           Super yummy spaghetti                                                                    

                                                                                                                   Selfie from last day

May is kind of a blur I have been working so much and just dealing with some personal stuff it's just gone super fast and we are almost in June. Can you believe it?

So moving forward I can promise you at least one post a week I have a lot of ideas and just some super fun posts /videos that will be coming up in the near future! So keep your eyes peeled all the NEWNESS!!!

-Swell Mel :)

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