Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When was daylight savings?

Today we were having a rehearsal and all of a sudden we heard a knock at the door. So I answered it and a girl was wanting to get in the room because she had it booked to rehearse at 1. 

So I told her "We will be in here until just before 12:30 so she can come in anytime after that"

Then she looked at her phone and said "It's 1 now I have it booked at 1."(At this point it was only 12, do get where this is going?)

I just looked at her to see if she would figure it out and she did. I guess phone didn't fall back or she didn't set back her watch I don't really know what happened there. But my question is how did she go a whole week without having he clock set back? Was she late for everything?

-Swell Mel :)

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