Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Was that actually just a long weekend?

Obviously it was just a long weekend because of remembrance day. But it definitely did not feel like a long weekend to me. I worked all weekend!! (Yes even on remembrance day).

Don't get me wrong work was actually super fun! I have a new job from what I was doing before and we are opening a store so we got to basically go from start to finish in 3 days from taking boxes off trucks and unpacking to putting all the product our on all the fixtures to make it look all pretty. It was so much fun just because you get to see the store start to look like a store and you did it all.

The only thing that I didn't like about setting up the store was that I have all these random bruises and scrapes that I don't know how I got them.

So lets get back to the title of this post I didn't feel like a long weekend. It just flew by and I just didn't get anything done, homework, laundry, nothing that I needed to do I did because I was so tired from work I would get home and sleep.

So now I'm sitting here trying to do homework and I just can't focus because I'm over tired and I'm just not in the mind set to do homework I would rather be at work setting up the store. I doubt you have heard someone say that they want to be at work. Sorry I'm a little weird like that.

And just so everyone knows, on remembrance day we did stop and take a moment of silence for all the men and women that fought for our country and that are stilling fighting for our country. 

What did you do for remembrance day?

-Swell Mel :)

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