Saturday, November 9, 2013

Setting Up a 17 Year Old on a Date

About a week ago I was over at my best friends house and we were just hanging out. And her 17 year old cousin was there and he was texting a girl. So I ask him if liked her, he liked her. He didn't really know if he liked her but was open to anything. 

Because he was open to anything I decided to take his phone and start texting her. I was just normal conversation, but then she asked what he was doing again, and we were watching Anchorman. Side Note: This was the first time that I had watched Anchorman and OMG Will Farrell is a genius. Ok so I said something to the affect of how Anchorman is just a super funny movie. And she responded with something like "I have never seen that movie". After a few minutes of talking to her I ended up getting him a date to watch Anchorman with her.

Since that night, I have texted him just to see how everything is with the girl. And since that night I'm pretty sure that he has started to like her more. They have not watched Anchorman yet together, but it will happen very very soon. 

I'm just so proud of myself for setting him up on this date and I thought it was pretty funny that I actually set him up on a date. 

Have you ever set someone up on a date?

-Swell Mel :)

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