Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crazy Fun Weekend

This weekend I had to go out of town to go for work training. And I know it sounds really boring and just no fun at all. But my weekend was for sure far from that. I got to shop and try on as many clothes as possible and on top of it I got to hang out with the most amazing girls ever.

We had only met once before this weekend and I actually love everyone that I work with now. There are just a few stories from this weekend that just show how amazing these girls are.

I think the best one is during dinner, it's more like a bunch of little things but it was probably the best dinner ever. So we may have been super tired because we had been up since 8:30. So we had a pretty good looking waiter. And we were joking about that, but almost every time he would come over to talk to us one of the girls would make a funny face at me and I would laugh and I'm pretty sure he thought that I was crazy. I think the worst one was when he came over to put my food down and she made a face at me and I just bursted out laughing and I think at that point he thought I was crazy. Also one of the girls yelled her order at him. She was like "I WANT THIS!" as she pointed at it on the menu. OMG!! his face was just so funny when she did that. Then basically the rest of the night I was laughing when he was around. 

Now I have to tell you about one of the girls that I work with. (The one that was making me laugh a lot) Her name is Rachel and she can actually make you laugh too!!! She has a youtube channel so you should definitely check it out!! 

And we got a little bored when we got back to the hotel so we made a video of pranks. I will post that once she edits it.

The weekend wasn't just laughs and having fun. We also got to shop!!! (like I said in the beginning). I got some really cute clothes/outfits. So watch for those in my OOTD in the next few weeks because all of the clothes I bought are from the newer line. 

I just want to say I'm sorry that this blog is a little long and not that greatly ordered but that is exactly how my weekend was, just super fun and crazy. 

Do you work with people that you can just have fun and laugh so much your stomach hurts?

-Swell Mel :)

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