Thursday, December 26, 2013

We're Not in High School Anymore

I was at a social a few weeks ago and there were a lot of people from my high school there. I would go up to them and say "hi" and just ask what they had been up to, even if I wasn't best friends with them in high school I still would go up to them.

But it was a different story for some of the people I was with, we were dancing and one of the girls that she graduated with just gave her the death glare. I'm sorry but even if you weren't best friends in high school you can still at least say "hi" and make small talk.

I just don't get it, everyone that I graduated with even if I just walk by them I'll say "hi". But some people that's a different story they still have grudges and they still have the mentality of cliques that there was in high school. They just don't get that we're not in high school anymore.

How do you feel about talking to people that went to high school with?

-Swell Mel :)

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