Friday, December 6, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Band Geek through and through

Last night, I went back to my old high school for their winter concert and it was the Grade 9 and Wind Ensemble (a band that is made up of all the good players in the school). Usually when I go with someone, but last night I decided to go by myself. It was super weird just sitting by myself but I got to thinking that right in that theatre was were it all started my whole love from playing french horn and my actual realization that I really want to become a music teacher.

While I was listening to the grade 9 band I was thinking that they were not that great, but I was also thinking that this could be my band one day and that I want to make sure when I teach band and conduct a band that I'm teaching them how to properly. This is no offence to my old band teacher, he is a god and he is the reason I have gotten through high school and the past 3 years of university.

Here's a picture from my first year in band in high school

This whole experience was just nostalgic as a whole. Since then I've had a lot of time just to think about my future career and where I've come from and who has helped me along the way.

-Swell Mel :)

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