Monday, October 7, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness: The reason I wear pink

I'm just going to make a disclaimer before you start reading. You may or may not cry while reading this. So you don't have kleenex by you you may want to get some. I know I started crying just writing this. 

My grandma past away 13 years ago from Breast Cancer.

My grandma was an amazing lady. She was super loving and loved her grand kids. 

Even though I was only 8 years old when she past away. There are a lot of good times that I remember. 

I remember when we would go and visit we would make cookies or there was this one time we were going to watch a movie and we made popcorn and she let us sit on the counter. 

I think the best story is when she was driving back to the farm with us grandkids and she got stopped by the police. My cousin kept saying grandma the police are behind us and she didn't stop because she didn't think that they were following her. She finally stopped and pulled over for the police officer. She was speeding, us grandkids thought it was so funny because we would have never thought grandma would get pulled over my the police. 

Grandma was also a tough cookie. There was this one time we were in the house and all of a sudden a mouse run across the floor. Right away she picked up the vacuum and sucked up the mouse and through the bag with the mouse in it in the trash. 

Man I wish she could have seen all of us grandkids graduate and just grow up. I was only 8 when she past away. I hadn't even grown up yet. It's like the song by Justin Moore, if Heaven wasn't so far away. I wish I could just pack up and visit her for the day. 

What's the reason you wear pink?

-Swell Mel :)

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