Sunday, September 22, 2013

There goes another one

So let's just start with saying that I have gotten in a few car accidents in my few years of driving some of which were my fault.

On September 6 I was driving home and on my drive there really isn't any traffic lights or stops signs just mostly highwayish driving. (oh and yes highwayish is a word I made it up). So was driving and I was in the process of turing left onto my road when I got hit on the back drivers side of my car. I was not expecting it at all! So I actually ended up spinning 180 degrees and I was facing the wrong way I wanted to be heading. So I get the persons info who hit me and all that good stuff. And here's the best part of the whole story.

So a week or so later I went into autopac to talk to someone about the accident and the condition of my car. Well there was $8000 worth of damage to my car and they wrote off my car. So now I am in the process of getting a new vehicle. 

I'm in the same situation I was in 2 years ago when I wrote off my other car. 

What kind of vehicle should I get?

-Swell Mel :)

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