Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Car!

So I got a new car yesterday! I got a 2003 Mazda 3.Because I got a new car I decided that I should get a car wash so it’s super shiny and new.

Well the car wash idea didn’t go over that well. I don’t know if this has happened to anyone else but, the car wash was almost done and all of a sudden it stopped and the door opened up. But it hadn’t even finished putting the wax on. So I had my car half waxed.

I drove out of the car wash and one of the gas guys had to take a hose and wash off all the wax that was on my car.

So all in all my car is now clean but I had a little bump in the road.

Has anything weird happened to you while getting a car wash?

-Swell Mel :)

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