Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I am addicted to Pintrest

Well I don't know about you but I have recently discovered Pintrest. And I love it I could actually spend all day just looking up things. I have found some amazing make-up looks, recipes, really cute clothing ideas, and some cool DIY things. Oh and I have started working out because of pintrest because of the super cool workout ideas. 

One of the DIY projects I saw was this really cool idea for make-up brush storage. It's super cute and really easy (and I definitely like easy). So I didn't even look at the tutorial I just figured out how to do it. So what I did was I went out and bought some glasses from the dollar store (you could use mason jars or any old glasses that you around your house), a bottle of silver glitter, black ribbon, and spray adhesive glue (it kind of looks like a spray paint can). 

So all I did was wiped off the glasses to make sure that they were clean. Oh I did do this outside because glitter is really messing and I put down a garbage bag to collect the fall out glitter. I then sprayed the glasses with the glue and sprinkled glitter onto the glass I let them dry upside down I don't really know why but I just did. So I did my three glasses once then I went back and repeated the process to make sure that I had all the glass covered. 

I let the glasses completely dry it says that the glue takes hour an half to dry but I let it dry for and hour just to make sure that the glue was dry. I then took my ribbon and glued it around my cup very carefully just to make sure that not a lot of the glitter would fall off. I noticed that the glitter did fall off and even with just sitting in my room there is still glitter falling off. So after the ribbon I added a bow just to cover the seam of the ribbon you could just leave the ribbon with no bow but when I saw the picture on Pintrest it had a bow. So once that's done your done! This whole project took about 2 and half hours so really fast and really easy. 

I love them and they look super cute!

Do you love them?

-Swell Mel :)

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