Friday, December 20, 2013

Review: Anchorman 2

Last night, my friend and I went and saw Anchorman 2. So let me just preface with that there was a guy that came into the theatre that was dressed as Ron Burgundy so I tweeted about it. And like 2 seconds after me tweeting that Ron Burgundy favorited it

As well, there was way to many guys in the theatre. The theatre was almost all guys it was super weird so when we laughed you could hear our laughs over top of all the guys laughs.

So now that that's out of the way. What did I think of the movie? Well it was not what I expected at all!

You never know what to expect when there is a sequel so I didn't know what to think. As well, you never know with a movie like this that if they just put all of the funny parts in the trailer. Well that was not the case at all. 

It was just amazing! It was really funny and just super cute. And like I said before it was not what I expected. There are a few story lines that if they wanted to they could do an Anchorman 3. 

There are some new cast members like James Marsden and Kristen Wiig, who both hold their own and really shine in their parts. 

I would say that if you've seen the first one and loved it you will defiantly love the sequel.

Are you going to see Anchorman 2?

-Swell Mel :)

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