Friday, November 8, 2013

How I pack for a weekend trip

Since I have already went from a weekend trip last week and I'm leaving today for another trip I thought I would tell you how I pack for a weekend trip.

First I make a list of everything that I need.

Then I just start putting everything that I will need on my bed. As I'm putting things on my bed I'm crossing them off on my list.

Sorry it's super yellow I have no clue what happened with the lighting

What will usually happen is there will be last minute things like my toothbrush and hair strightner. I will circle or highlight them in my list as well I will make a sticky note and put it on my make up mirror so I don't forget to pack them.

Once all the getting everything organized is done I start packing. If it's just a short trip like a weekend I will put all my clothes on one side of my bag. My clothes are also organized my outfit so the one I would wear first is on the top. Then all my toiletries are on the other side, I have to bags for toiletries one is for make up and the other one is for everything else like skin care, extra contacts and my glasses, and perfume. 

I know that there will be questions about my bag and where I got it from. The bag that I usually use for weekend and camping trips is my Lululemon duffle bag. I love it because it has lots of pockets and it's just the right size for everything to fit. I did get this bag about 3 years ago, I'm sure that Lululemon has bags that are similar but not the exact one. I love this bag it's perfect!

How do you pack for a weekend trip?

-Swell Mel :)

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