Monday, September 30, 2013

Go-Kart Racing

This past weekend we celebrated my dad's birthday at an indoor go-kart track. Which is super fun and it definitely gets pretty competitive.

I was myself, my dad and brother, two of my dad's friends and our neighbour racing. We bought three races on the faster of the two kinds of karts they have. 

Because I hadn't been there in a while the first race I took it a little easy. Besides the fact I couldn't reach the pedals even with a seat pad. The one bad thing about the first two races was that we were on the track with this couple that hadn't raced before and they were driving super slow and in the middle of the track. So it was really hard to get around them and when you did you bumped them a bit.

During the second race I was trying to keep up with the guys and I was trying to have the fastest lap time. So I think I was feeling just a little too confident for my own good and as I was coming around the S turn I drove right through the barrier and tires that they had. 

I had tires on top of my legs and the plastic barrier that was around the tires was at my neck and had slid right over my hands.

The two guys working the track came running and started to pull the tires off my legs and my brother got out of his kart and started pulling me out of the plastic barrier. I was out and I got out of the kart and I wasn't allowed to race the rest of the race. 

I did have one more race left but I sold it to someone because I was too scared to get back onto the track.

All in all, I only had a few bruises and cuts on my hands. It could have been much worse. Needless to say it will be a few months until I go back.

How was your weekend?

-Swell Mel :)

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